instruments that are allowed & not
- electric guitar
- electro-acoustic guitar is OK as long as it's amplified
- electric piano
- electronic piano
- synthesizer
- electronic drums or V-drums, drumpad
- computer as instrument (DAW, VST)
- mixing board as instrument (NIMB/no input mixing board)
- casio digital horn aka zanzithophone
- omnichord (if you are rich enough)
- ondioline (if you're lucky enough to own one)
- ondes martenot (if you are literally god)
- any electric wood/wind
- pretty much anything else with "electric", "electronic" or "digital" in the name
- homemade instruments are good, just as long as they electric/onically plug in to something
- i encourage a digital recording medium for ease, but will accept analog (as long as you understand it will be converted to digital formats)
- acoustic guitar
- acoustic piano
- drum set
- pretty much all (acoustic) wood/wind instruments (sax, trumpets, clarinet, oboe, flutes, piccolos etc.) electric variants are OK
if you aren't sure, please don't hesitate to ask questions!
i promise i am friendly despite my appearances